Simply Taralynn | Food & Lifestyle Blog Food & Lifestyle Blog Fri, 30 Dec 2022 17:49:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simply Taralynn | Food & Lifestyle Blog 32 32 I want to talk about my fitness hiatus & my current health goals Fri, 06 Mar 2020 20:00:14 +0000

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I have mixed emotions right now, and I don’t know how this post is going to go or if I’ll end up publishing it, but I’m going to try to put my words together for you. I’ve been asked so many times to do some updates on running, my fitness, what I eat in a day, and all things health and fitness related. I’ve been very open with how I’ve taken a huge hiatus from fitness and the whole diet culture for a while. The reason I’ve been avoiding those topics is that I’ve been trying to give my brain a cleanse from all things health and fitness related.
Here’s where my mixed emotions come to play. 

Last fall, I took a hiatus from working out, caring about the food I ate or cautiously watching my portion sizes. I’ve been very intuitive with my diet and exercise. I eat when I’m hungry (even if I just had lunch an hour ago), I go for a walk if I feel like it, and I have chocolate more than once a day if I want it. There haven’t been any rules for the way I live in a long time, and I’ve never felt this “normal.” The crazy part is that when you do physically recover from an eating disorder, it takes years for you to recover mentally. Anyone who’s been through it knows exactly what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, consider yourselves very lucky. There were days when I never thought I’d get into that mindset. And it doesn’t help when your life is on the internet, and so many opinions about your body are circulating the comment section. If you gained weight, they let you know, and if you lose weight, they also let you know. That’s not healthy for anyone, and it’s not just the internet; I have people close in my life that are extremely toxic when it comes to diet culture, and I have to check myself out from those conversations completely. Thank you, therapist, for those exercises! As soon as I was old enough to walk and talk, I was already being introduced into the diet culture. I’d do my mom’s workout videos with her, I’d drink her Slimfast shakes, and I’d mimic my aunt’s Atkins diet. I was doing everything I could, even as a little kid, just to be thin and fit. My entire life up until a few years ago had been consumed with haunting thoughts and negative body positivity. I’ve been very open about it on the blog but took a step back these past months and chose not to talk about anything as I went on a new journey of exiting this whole “diet” world.

Where I’m going with this. 

Since taking my hiatus, I’ve been very happy and stress-free. All of my friends are extremely into fitness, and it’s been hard dealing with the FOMO and saying “no” when it comes to going to the gym or training for a race with them. But I’ve been very confident with my “no,” and that’s been the best part. I now feel healed in the mind and would like to start getting myself back into the world of fitness, but for the right reasons. I want to start reaching for more whole foods again and not having frozen pizza two nights in a row. I want to walk more trails and play more tennis now that it’s getting warmer. I don’t want to get back into running yet, but maybe eventually. The reason I want to start getting more active is so that I can feel strong, boost endorphins, and simply get into shape. When I say “get into shape,” I mean not heavy breathing after running up the stairs. I used to think “getting into shape” was looking good in a bikini, but that’s not the case. This time, I’m going into fitness differently. I’m ready for it this time. I used to force myself to do things because I let my diet culture mindset win. The crazy part is that even after my hiatus, my weight is lower than it has been in a few years, and my jeans fit me better. My doctor told me it’s because working out was causing my cortisol levels to rise so much, and after taking the hiatus, my body wasn’t in stress-mode, and I was losing weight. Again, it’s not about the weight, but that was just an example as to why I was not ready for fitness during that time in my life. I just want to get this all out here just in case anyone can relate to how I’m feeling or this stage in my life that I’m going through. And if none of this makes sense to you and you just came here for the smoothie recipe, scroll below. Starting today, I want to be more proactive in my activity levels. My Apple Watch is actually on the charger for the first time in five months…

I’m not going on a diet…

Last night, after eating the last slice of frozen pizza, I said to Kyle, “I think I’m going to start Whole30 tomorrow.” And then I thought to myself, WHY?” Was I just doing that because I felt bad about the pizza, or was I just sinking back into old habits? Well, whatever it was, I quickly said, “no, you’re not going to do Whole30 tomorrow.” Instead, “You’re going to go to the grocery store and purchasing a ton of great nutritious foods and continue to eat intuitively.” So that is what I did today. I loaded my cart with fresh produce, frozen fruits for smoothies, fresh fish, tea, dark chocolate, gluten-free bread, crackers, hummus, yogurt, roasted almonds, protein powder, and more. My goal is to keep eating as healthy as possible but treating myself whenever I feel like I want something. I was just very proud of myself for sticking out this long-term goal of mine, and always practicing intuitive eating and zero limitations. Life, for me, is about balance. For example, on Wednesday night, I had french fries for dinner and didn’t think twice about it. Old me would have been distraught.

There’s no moral to the story here other than that it’s human for us to want to fall back into old habits, but we need to recognize that and choose the better route. My goal this spring is to start eating better and moving more but for the RIGHT reasons. It’s simple, and maybe this inspired someone to do the same, or not to go down the route they didn’t want to go when it came to “dieting.”

Now, I hope you’re ready for some smoothie bowls, trail walking posts, tennis, big jumbo salads, and more this spring! I’m ready to start feeling like my best self again.

This weekend, I am going to do THREE active things. I challenge you to do the same. I’ll be talking more about this on Monday, and I hope you report back with what activities you did! 😊 Sorry for the rambling, but sometimes I feel like it’s the best form of therapy! Typing this out also helps, and I always feel like you all hold me accountable when I mention something. I know at least one of you will, and that’s all it takes for me to feel it.

Oh, you wanted this smoothie bowl recipe? It’s just unsweetened cashew milk, fresh spinach, frozen raspberries, frozen peaches, and one scoop of Vega vanilla with greens protein powder. I topped it with banana, granola, coconut, and chia seeds!

Questions for you

  1. Did you notice my lack of health and fitness posts?
  2. What will you do to get active this weekend?
  3. Would you like me to talk more about this new journey?

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A budget-friendly meal prep for your week! (GF, DF) Mon, 20 Aug 2018 00:53:13 +0000

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Whether you work from home, in an office, or spend time on the road, meal prepping makes your week so much easier. It’s nice to already have your meals planned, ready, and available asap. Such a time saver and money saver.

Last week, I filmed a meal prep tutorial showing you guys how I go about preparing my meal preps (when I meal prep.)

Today’s meal prep is gluten free, dairy free, moderate carb, and budget friendly! Next meal prep will be a vegan version.
You’ll need fifteen containers for three meals for five days. I don’t like to make meals for the weekend because that’s when I like to cook, grab a bite to eat somewhere, or not feel “planned.” I just ordered three sets of five glass containers to replace these temporary ones. It doesn’t matter what the container looks like or how pricey it is, anything will work 😊 
What’s on the menu?

Breakfast: Protein pancakes, egg cups with turkey sausage, and fresh fruit.

Snack: Apple

Lunch: Grilled chicken, roasted carrots, romaine lettuce, and cashews.

Snack: Yogurt

Dinner: Spaghetti squash with a pepper and turkey tomato sauce.

Dessert: Dark chocolate & cashews

This is just a guide to show you the process of meal prepping. You can sit down and create your own menu, and make all the changes you’d like! I’d love to see your meal prep creations. Add more protein, carbs, fiber, or anything you need to fit your preference. 

1 dozen eggs + 3 // ground turkey sausage // almond milk // pancake mix // protein powder // fresh fruit

**you can customize the egg cups by adding cheeses, vegetables, or whatever you wish! 

The pancake mix I used: Birch Blender
My favorite plant-based protein powder: Orgain (vanilla or chocolate)


2-3 cups of carrots // 1.5 lbs chicken breast // romaine // cashews // marinade

**you can choose any vegetables to roast, any type of lettuce if you don’t like romaine and your favorite marinade.

If you want to make a homemade marinade, my go-to is 3 tbsps honey, 1/4 cup low sodium/gluten free soy sauce , 2 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp ground mustard, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. 


low sugar pasta sauce// 1 lb of ground turkey// peppers// 2 spaghetti squash

**you can replace the squash with your choice of pasta, leave the meat out if you want it to be vegan, and add extra vegetables of your choice.


apple // yogurt

**if you’d like a high protein snack, get Greek yogurt, and if you want to lower the sugar, go for celery and peanut butter instead of the apple. 


Dark chocolate // cashews

**Sometimes, I’ll buy the individually wrapped dark chocolate, but you can get any kind you want! If you’re not a dark chocolate person, find a 100-calorie ice cream bar with moderate sugar to have each night after dinner. 

Things I always cook with: garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, avocado oil, low sodium soy sauce, apple cider vinegar.

I spent a total of $66 for the week.
If you’re looking for the same reusable Ziploc bags I use, here is the link!

If you’re interested in the reusable grocery produce net bags I use, here is the link!   
These egg cups are so good!
The breakfast was my favorite. I drizzled syrup on top of the pancakes and egg cups!
If you’re a vegetarian, swap the chicken for tempeh, tofu, or black bean burgers. 
I love roasted carrots as a carb source! You can use sweet potatoes, zucchini, or something else if you wish!
I meant to make chicken lettuce wraps, but they ended up being salads all week long. If you want to see how I ate these meals all week, check out my recap post
Spaghetti squash is so filling and a delicious carb source! If you don’t like tomato sauce, add oil, parm, and garlic! That’s another fun combo.
I’ll never skip dessert, ever! 
All of the macro information is included in the video!
Don’t forget to let me know what you’d like to see next!
Questions for you!

  1. Which meal prep would you like to see next?
  2. What kinds of foods do you like to eat?
  3. Are you a weekly meal prepper?

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The “How To” On My Favorite Meal Prepped Veggies 🥕🥦 Thu, 08 Feb 2018 16:49:32 +0000

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How in the world is it Wednesday already? Two more days and then we’ll be entering the weekend! Woo! Before I take off for my doctor’s appointment (the one that has been rescheduled twice now because of weather), I wanted to share a little healthy tip, and my “how to” on my favorite meal prepped vegetables. I didn’t plan on doing a post like this today, but I received a lot of questions on Instagram after sharing some stories. I figured it would be much easier to do a post to explain it all.

I wonder if any of you can relate to this. I once hated vegetables so much that I maybe ate three vegetables a year. If I did have them, it was because I added lettuce to my subway sandwich, bell peppers to a chicken fajita, tomatoes on a taco, onions on a pizza, carrots drenched in ranch, or onions mixed into my mom’s meatloaf. I HATED HATED HATED anything that fell into the “vegetable” category. I used to obstacle course around the veggies when my mom made chicken noodle soup. I’d practically gag if I accidentally ate a pea.

When I set out on a weight loss journey back in 2009, I knew I was going to have to learn to like vegetables. I started with my mom’s sweet green bean recipe and then started introducing salads into the mix, then stir-frys, and so on. Eventually, I was eating vegetables like it was my job. I was roasting them, grilling them, adding them to omelets, passing up on the ranch, bringing them to school as snacks, and most of my diet consisted of straight-up vegetables. I still feel the same way about them. I genuinely LOVE them. My favorite vegetables are bell peppers, onions, any kind of squash, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, spinach, arugula, carrots, radishes…wait…I’m about to name all the vegetables, so I’ll just stop right there.

I think the point that I’m trying to make is that you can train your body to like things. Start small, experiment, but don’t give up on vegetables. 
I love using my meal prepped veggies in pretty much everything. I’m currently eating an omelet stuffed with meal-prepped vegetables. You can top your pizzas with meal prepped veggies, add them to salads, eggs, stir-frys, as sides, in pasta dishes, and so on! It’s pretty much endless.

Vegetables are filling, they have a lot of fiber, an excellent source of vitamins, and nutrients, and they are great for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Preparing food makes your dinner/lunch/breakfast choices on the healthier side. It takes away the stress of thinking about what you’re going to make, taking the time to make it when you’re already hungry, or running to the store to buy groceries every night. It’s nice to have them all ready to go! When I meal prep, I find myself snacking WAY less, even if I’m working from home. And meal prepping doesn’t have to get out of hand. You don’t have to cook for the entire week (like my boyfriend), just make a couple of things that you find yourself eating most of the time. For me, hardboiled eggs, veggies, chopped fruit, and some kind of protein. If you have an issue with produce going bad, maybe try meal prepping the produce instead of letting it sit around. You’re more likely it eat it if it’s already prepared. 
Yesterday, I made some of my favorite vegetables to eat throughout the week! I used to roast everything in one pan, but I found out that they don’t all cook equally. There are some vegetables I like better sauteed, and some I like better baked. For instance, to me, onions are just so much better sauteed! I love the crispy glaze they get from the pan. They taste a little sour when baked, but that’s just me!

I bake some and saute others. Some, I do both! 
I have found that I like sauteeing onions, bell peppers, summer squash, and zucchini on high with a little olive oil in the pan. When I bake squash and zucchini, they get mushy if I don’t eat them right away. I love baked veggies, but not all of them are equally good when leftover. 
Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and carrots are so good when baked! I add them to a greased pan, spray them with coconut oil spray, sprinkle a little black pepper and sea salt on top, and bake them for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. I do take them out halfway and flip them! 
After the thirty minutes, I’ll use a spatula and add the broccoli and brussels sprouts to the pan with the sauteed vegetables. In a separate pan, I’ll finish the carrots on high heat for six minutes with a tablespoon of olive oil. I love carrots when they are golden and crisp on the outside. 
It only takes 35-45 minutes to prepare and cook these vegetables. That saves me so much time throughout the week! Even if I’m working at home, my time is still valuable. I can get much more work done on the computer instead of spending that time in the kitchen chopping vegetables at every meal. It does help me make smarter decisions when it comes to meal options. This has been the biggest help for staying healthy!
Once all of the vegetables are together, I’ll sprinkle sea salt, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, black pepper, minced onions, and Italian seasoning on top and give them a quick toss. I used to bake the seasoning with the vegetables, but the flavors are stronger when added afterward.

When it comes to the grill, I LOVE ALL VEGETABLES ON THE GRILL. I plan on doing most of my meal prepping outside on the grill this summer. I usually cook them all up on a sheet of tin foil or a grill-safe pan.
I store my vegetables in a large container in the fridge. 
This was the omelet I just ate stuffed with my leftover meal prepped veggies and a side of ginger lemon tea! This took ten minutes to make 🙂
Questions for you!

  1. Have you always loved vegetables?
  2. What is your favorite vegetable?
  3. What is your favorite way to cook vegetables?

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Is Fitness Even Making You Happy? Tue, 07 Nov 2017 11:32:23 +0000

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I have an interesting post today. Well, some of you may find it interesting. I didn’t plan on writing this, but it’s 5:30 AM, and my coffee has me motivated. I wanted to leave something personal with you all for the weekend.

When you’re scrolling through Instagram, and you see all of these stories of people working out, what goes through your mind? I’ll tell you what goes through mine. “Wow, I need to get up and go to the gym.” “I should be running more.” “No wonder she has the perfect body.” or “Dang, I’m lazy.”

But guess what? I tried to keep up. I decided to do Hitt workouts, half marathons, and new trendy classes, but my body said “nope.”

Here is what my body did instead.

My body got stressed. My body produced high levels of cortisol. My body swelled. My body packed on pounds. My body didn’t fit any of my clothes. I was getting depressed. My body hated me, and I hated the way I was feeling on the inside. I was getting stressed out because I was revolving my entire day around a stupid workout while trying to convince myself that I actually enjoyed doing it. Sure, there were times where I really enjoyed it, but others I didn’t even want to go. Why was I giving up my ideal workout (walking, yoga, hiking, biking, tennis) for something that made me feel miserable? It was because I wanted to achieve a certain look that I saw while scrolling through every day on Instagram. I just wanted to keep up. Why am I/we always trying to “keep up?”

I learned pretty quick that not all bodies react the same. Some people can weight lift, run, and attain the body they want. Some people have a body that won’t react well to it. I’m one of those people. I LOVE to be active but in less-stressful ways. I enjoy light runs, long walks, playing hours of tennis, yoga, bike rides, and just being on my feet. That is what I enjoy, and what my body reacts to.

Some of you have already noticed that in the past month and a half, I slowed down on all of the crazy workouts and I replaced them with long walks and tennis. Well, guess what? I can now fit back into my clothes, I don’t have insane anxiety, I’m not stressed about fitting in workouts, and I’m not sore all the time. I still don’t weigh myself, but I can see the difference and certainly feel it.  It’s not even about the physical difference, my entire mind and mental state are different. I’m actually happier for once.

I think the hardest part is saying “no.” I’d love to join a hardcore CrossFit or long run with friends, but I know it puts more stress on my body than good. Instead,  have to opt for long walks or something less stressful. Running ten miles is no different than walking ten miles. Faster isn’t always better.

It’s so easy to let ourselves believe we should be doing what everyone else is doing. I’ve seen comments on my blog from girls who started going more HIIT workouts because I was doing more HIIT workouts. I really don’t want it to be that way! I want everyone to do what THEY want to do, and when they want to do it. You know your body better than anyone else, so before trying to do what someone else is doing, really think to yourself and make sure it’s going to make you happy and healthy.

Always do what you wanna do and be who you wanna be!

Questions for you!

  1. Do you ever feel guilty for not working out after browsing social media?
  2. Do you ever try to do what others are doing?
  3. What is your relationship with fitness?

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Ten 15-Minute Workouts for Busy Lifestyles Fri, 18 Aug 2017 14:06:43 +0000

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It’s been kind of a blah week (for the blog.) I haven’t been posting a lot because I’ve been spending all week focussing on my personal training lessons and writing a few blogs that’ll be out later this month. I am excited for this weekend, though! Kyle and I had plans to head down to Charleston, but we thought it would be better to save that for another weekend. With the solar eclipse just days away, people are flocking to Charleston! There will be so many people there, and booking a hotel is almost impossible unless you want to spend over $600 a night. Instead of traveling, we are going to go hiking, put some new flowers in the outdoor pots, maybe paint the office, and cook some Blue Apron meals! We have a box coming today.
I was messaged on Instagram yesterday by a reader. She said she works from 8 am to 6 pm Mon-Fri and that she has a hard time fitting in workouts. She understood that she could go after work or before work, but those hour classes at the gym left her sluggish and low-energy. She found herself reaching for sugary snacks and extra coffee on the days she worked out and wanted to know what I would do.

I am so lucky that I have the schedule that I do (as of right now), but I totally understand that one day, when I’m working the 8-6, I’ll be facing the same struggles. I also receive questions like this a lot, so I decided to put together ten workouts that only take fifteen minutes to complete, and they are so effective! They’ll get your heart rate going up and down throughout the workout, and you’ll be benefiting from the afterburn. You could do these workouts before work, after work, during lunch breaks, or before bed! It’s hard to come up with an excuse for something that only takes fifteen minutes. Set a timer. If you finish before the fifteen-minute alarm, start the workout from the top, and go until fifteen minutes is up. The more you do them, they easier they’ll get, so it’s important to keep challenging yourself. If you want a thirty-minute workout, choose two of the workouts to do, or do your favorite twice! Fifteen minutes a day can be so effective and these have a nice balane of cardio & weights!

These are perfect for hotel workouts, travel workouts, and pretty much anything! If you are on your phone, screen shot the workout! If you are on your computer, save the workout to your computer, or print it! Take these to the gym with you, or hang them up where you can see them. My mom printed them out and hung them in her gym locker (seriously the cutest.) 

Questions for you!

  1. Do you find it hard to fit in workouts with your schedule?
  2. Could you dedicate 15 minutes to exersice everday?
  3. How long are your workouts?

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I think we need to break up. Thu, 27 Jul 2017 18:40:11 +0000

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As humans, we all struggle. We struggle when it comes to emotions, and we struggle when it comes to vanity, not all of us, but a lot of us. I wish I could be that person that wakes up every morning, looks in the mirror, and loves what they see. I don’t think I’ve ever been that person, and it makes me sad. I truly want to embrace my flaws, love every inch of my body, love who I am inside, but I’ve never found a way to do it. My entire life, I’ve felt hovered by nasty and un-welcomed thoughts that fester in my mind. I’m not the type of person that doesn’t work hard either, and I think that’s the frustrating part. If I don’t like something, I’ll do everything I can to control or change it. When things can’t be controlled, it becomes a bigger problem, and this behavior gets unhealthy.

I’ve been on almost all ends of the body types. I’ve been overweight, underweight, and fit. No matter what body type I fell under, I was unhappy. It all came down to the “number.” This number meant a lot to me. I’d rather see this “goal number” on the scale over receiving a million dollar check. I’d choose the number over almost anything. That number controlled my emotions, my activity, my nutrition, my actions, my entire life. I see this number affect the people around me. I know I’m not alone because I see it every day. I can tell someone not to worry about the number on the scale, but secretly find myself doing it. Oh, yeah, I’m being hypocritical and dishing advice I can’t take.

I also have some really positive people who inspire me daily. One of my best friends, who is super fit, has no idea how much she weighs because she doesn’t own a scale, and she’s always radiating happiness. I’m sure she has her down days, but she doesn’t have the number floating above her thoughts 24/7. When I look up, I can see that number above my head, and it’s my daily reminder of how I should be treating my body. Yeah, I know. That’s not healthy. I guess that is why I’m writing this.

For the past months, I have been more active than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I get in almost 20,000 steps a day, miles of dog walks, sixty-minute HIIT classes five days a week, yoga once a week, my macros are all recorded, I drink over 80 fl ounces of water a day, and get over 8 hours of sleep a night. So, it’s safe to say I was pretty frustrated when I stepped on the scale today. How in the world did I manage to gain more weight? Sometimes I feel like just flat out giving up and giving myself a break, but that’s not my personality. I’ll try and try and try until things work. I don’t give up. I also wish I could stop worrying about the way I look and just relax. Even after running 13.1 miles, I was upset with how my legs looked. I forgot to give myself credit for what I had just achieved. 

So, goodbye scale. Here is why: that scale told me I gained weight. I got mad, thought nasty things, and almost let it ruin my entire day. It’s like a never ending cycle, a battle I can’t win. BUT, that scale forgot to tell me that I lost 4.5% body fat, am holding onto water for muscle repair, that I’m building muscle and that weighing less isn’t going to make me a better person. But, for some reason, the pressure to be a certain “number” has always brought me down, especially when you can’t control it.

For the past month, not stepping on the scale made me a happier person. I loved seeing my body transform in the gym. I loved seeing my toned up arms, giant quads, my butt toned and plumped, and the transformation from weight lifting. I lost all of that confidence as soon as I stepped on the scale this morning. Why the hell did I do it? I took a deep breath, swallowed the anxiety, and headed to my workout class. I sat in the front row so I could make sure my form was good while doing the circuits. I didn’t pay much attention to the form. I paid attention to the muscles I built, the girl on the inside, and the fact that the scale was no longer going to have a place in my life. Going to the fitness classes, being a part of the community, and gaining those endorphins make me so happy. I look forward to every day. 

I am going to continue this fitness journey that I’m on right now. I almost didn’t go to the workout because of that scale, and I can’t let it get in my life anymore. I have to let my body do its thing, and focus on being strong, being in shape, and being happy. It’s important to change the things that make us feel less important, or that bring us down. While I try to change and be a better person, I have to remove the things holding me down. Don’t get me wrong; I am still a very happy person. I love my life, and wouldn’t change it for the world, but it’s my job, to be honest, and open with you. I know someone is reading this that can relate, even if it seems silly. I felt like I needed to get this off my chest, and I’ll be back to posting recipes tomorrow.

I need to do a little more reading, relaxing, jumping out of planes, and finding a new hobby that doesn’t involve vanity. Your weight doesn’t make you beautiful; it’s what you contribute to the world.

I am willing to change. I want to change. I need to change.

So, Goodbye scale. I’m breaking up with you. You no longer control me. You no longer have a place in my life. You are no longer welcomed here. You lie. I’m happier without you. You suck. You’re dead to me.

Questions for you

  1. Have you ever had to say goodbye to something that was bringing you down?
  2. Did you ever break up with your scale?
  3. How do you focus on living a positive and healthy lifestyle

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150 Mile (5 a Day) June Walking Challenge Sun, 28 May 2017 21:10:14 +0000

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Hi, Everyone!

Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope you are all having a blast, but also taking the time to remember the people who have died while serving and fighting for our freedom. God Bless our troops!

I am spending the weekend catching up on work, sleep (hello, jetlag), and enjoying the beautiful weather by going on walks and reading outside. I have received a lot of request for another fitness challenge. I’ve been a little hesitant because I’m trying to lighten up my workouts and go easy on my body for a while, but I still wanted to do something. I have personally decided to stick to long walks and light workouts for the next month, and I’d love for you guys to join me! I have set a goal to walk 150 miles in June. That is an easy 5 miles a day! It’s not hard to fit in five miles if you’re tracking your steps during the day, walking half in the morning, walking half at night, and trying to get on your feet as much as possible. Walking is much easier on the joints and muscles, so I am still not running in June. There is no reason to rush back into it after an injury, and I don’t need to train until fall. I will get back into running in July.

I will be tracking my miles with RunKeeper (per usual) and sharing my miles during my recap posts. I’d love for you to tag me in your walking photos and try to reach 150 miles with me! I think working together to reach our goals makes it so much easier. I will also be keeping track of my progress on the fitness challenge Instagram page.

When I first started losing weight back in 2010, it was only from walking and eating a healthy diet. It goes to show that just a little movement can also make a big impact. My goal isn’t to really lose weight, but it’s to get active, and also be kind to my body. Walking is also good for the mind. I find that I’m always relaxed and refreshed after a long walk, so hopefully, you’ll find it therapeutic as well. Download an awesome playlist, put on sunscreen, and just get out there and go! Find any excuse to walk. Grab coffee and walk with a friend, hike your favorite trail, walk the mall, walk to work/school if you can, and get out there with your pup.

I’m a BIG believer in walking for health, and I hope you join me! I look forward to seeing your posts and inspiration. A buddy system is also great!  Becca is also doing the challenge, and we are going to walk twice a week together + hold eachother accountable! This is such an easy challenge that you can do anywhere, and I’m excited to hit my goal! If I can’t walk the milage one day, I’ll just pile it onto another day!

If I can get at least twenty readers to reach the 150-mile goal, which is 3000 miles, I will send twenty surprise boxes out to each one of the goal crushers! I’m hoping that we can hit 10,000 miles together! It’s OK if you don’t hit 150 miles, any miles will contribute to the 10,000 mile goal. Your running miles also count! Just because I’m not running doesn’t mean you can’t during the challenge. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #150junewalkingchallenge & tag @simplytaralynnfitchallenge

Questions for you!

  1. Are you up for the challenge?
  2. If you plan on joining me, what are your goals?
  3. How do you plan on fitting in 5 miles a day?

I’m already excited for June 1st! xo 🙂



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Light & Loaded Tuna Salad Mon, 17 Apr 2017 20:50:29 +0000

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I spent the morning working on my Charleston blog post. I have hundreds of photos to go through, and I know I won’t finish until tomorrow. Instead of leaving the blog post-less today, I wanted to share my delicious lunch. I haven’t done a lot of recipe dedicated posts in a while, but now that Spring is here, I’ll start doing more! I love to cook and bake during the warmer months. My recipes are always simple and quick.

First things first. 

I’ve mentioned my frustrations with weight during race training. So many of you guys reached out to let me know that all of my struggles are common and eventually my body will go back to normal. You’d think that running long distance, short distance, doing yoga, going on long walks, circuit training, and healthy eating would help me maintain my weight, but I’ve managed to put on seven pounds. I understand that the number on the scale means nothing, but my clothes are tighter and I’m much thicker. I eat clean and practice moderation, but sometimes the body does what it wants to do. I feel so much stronger, and I’m proud of how far I have come, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me now and then. I have to remind myself of where I was and where I am now. I don’t want to choose being “skinny” over being a “strong” runner. I won’t let myself get to that point, and I think being open with you all is helpful. No one is perfect. I will continue to run distances, crush my circuit workouts, and I’ll let the body do what it wants.

I’ve been trying to time my carbs. I eat my carbs before my workouts and recover with high protein meals/snacks throughout the day. One of my friends, who is a nutritionist, recommended this method, and I’ve been trying it out. I have a fun circuit class I’m attending later tonight, so I’ll have my carbs before that, but for lunch, I had a delicious low carb + high protein meal! 
My brother taught me how to make a light and delicious tuna salad a couple of years ago, and I have been hooked ever since. I use this recipe to make a chicken salad as well. I like to eat my tuna on top of veggies, in lettuce wraps, or with crackers. Today, I had my tuna salad in a crunchy lettuce wrap. 


Loaded Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps

Light, High Protein, & Low Carb! 
Course Appetizer, Main Course
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 5 1/2 Cup Serving
Calories 107kcal
Author Taralynn McNitt


  • 4 Cans Light Tuna In Water
  • 3 Tablespoons Sweet Relish
  • 3 Tablespoons Chopped Red Bell Pepper
  • 3 Tablespoons Chopped Green Bell Pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons Chopped Red Onion
  • 3 Tablespoons Chopped Red Grapes
  • 3 Tablespoons 2% Cottage Cheese
  • 4 Tablespoons Light Mayonaise
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder
  • Toppings: Iceberg Lettuce, Avoado, Roma Tomatoes, Radishes, Cucumber


  • Add all of the ingredients to a large mixing bowl and combine. Gradually add in the seasonings! I added a little sprinkle of each and tried it until it met my tastebud's needs.
  • Refrigerate tuna salad for fifteen minutes, or freeze for eight
  • Slice avocados, cucumber, radishes, and tomatoes. 
  • Add 1/2 cup of the tuna salad into a lettuce wrap. Top with avocados, cucumber, tomatoes, and radishes! I even added a little yellow mustard.


Nutrition for 1/2 Cup Tuna Salad (5 1/2 servings)
107 Calories, 7g Carbs, 4g Fat, 13g Protein, 3g Sugar, 2g Fiber
*Does not include toppings*

Ingredients: 4 cans light tuna in water, 3 tablespoons sweet relish, 3 tablespoons red bell pepper, 3 tablespoons green bell pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped red onion, 3 tablespoons red grapes, 3 tablespoons 2% cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons light mayonnaise, sea salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder.
Toppings: iceberg lettuce wraps, avocado, Roma tomatoes, radishes, cucumber.

Add all of the ingredients to a large mixing bowl and combine. Gradually add in the seasonings! I added a little sprinkle of each and tried it until it met my tastebuds needs.

Refrigerate tuna salad for fifteen minutes, or freeze for eight. It’s better when it’s cold!
Slice avocados, cucumber, radishes, and tomatoes. 
Add 1/2 cup of the tuna salad into a lettuce wrap. Top with avocados, cucumber, tomatoes, and radishes! I even added a little yellow mustard.

Nutrition for 1/2 Cup Tuna Salad (5 1/2 servings)
107 Calories, 7g Carbs, 4g Fat, 13g Protein, 3g Sugar, 2g Fiber
*Does not include toppings*

I had to include another fun snack idea for the tuna salad! I had some extra cucumbers and radishes, so I sliced them and topped them with the tuna salad! They were so crunchy and delicious.
This would be a great post workout or late night snack!
Questions for you!

  1. What is your favorite high protein snack?
  2. Do you like tuna salad or chicken salad better?

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25 Day Spring Fitness Challenge + Healthy Eats Thu, 02 Mar 2017 14:17:38 +0000

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We only have about twenty more days until Spring officially begins, but it’s already feeling like Spring in the south. I have gone through a pretty stressful week, and there is nothing better than a great fitness challenge to motivate me and get me back on track. I decided to write out my plan just in case any of you would like to follow along with me! Like all of my previous challenges, you can follow my updates on Instagram @simplytaralynnfitchallenge. Just don’t forget that I’m not certified, so make sure you get the OK from your doctor before trying out any of my routines. I like to post my plans for inspiration, and ideas, so kick butt at your own risk.

This challenge isn’t going to be easy, and that is why it’s called a “challenge.” If you are looking for an easier or more flexible plan, check out some of my previous fitness challenges! 🙂 As you may know, I’m running my first half marathon in 59 days. I’m feeling more ready and excited than I’ve ever felt, and most of those feelings are because of the pep talks from my readers. This challenge has a mixture of my running schedule + circuits. If you’re not a runner, IT’S OK! You can still kick butt at this challenge. If you’re wanting to start running, this is a great opportunity for you to get started. If you need some running motivation or don’t know where to start, check out my running post!

Just remember, this challenge was created for my activity level in mind, so if it’s too much, just make some changes! Walk instead of run, cut the circuits in half, add in some rest days, and customize it for your activity level! & Don’t forget to get the OK from your doctor before doing anything too strenuous.

Why do you want to do a challenge?
I want to do this challenge to stay motivated. Summer is just around the corner, my race is in 59 days, and I want to be the strongest I can be. I want to stay on track with clean eats, and get myself to feeling confident. I have that winter cloud over my head right now, and it’s time to let it go!

How do you plan on staying motivated?
I love to keep track of my workouts, my meals, and thoughts along the way. I post them on the blog and social media. I also love following others who are doing challenges for inspiration. Sometimes I get on Instagram and I’m instantly inspired by seeing someone else’s progress. My friends love fitness (thank goodness) so they will hold me acountable and do some of the workouts with me. Someone should invent a workout buddy app!

Goals for this challenge?
I don’t want to skip any days at all. I also want to stop buying so many snacks. My freezer is filled with Minion fruit snacks, and I feel like a ten-year-old with some of my choices. Must stop it! 🙂 I want to drink more water, more green tea, and snack on fruit and vegetables. 

My Week One Grocery List:
*you can make dairy free, nut free, gluten free, or any kinds of substitutions. This is just what I will be buying and eating.*

WEEKLY LIST: Bananas, Apples, Avocado, Head of Lettuce, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Spinach, Kale, Mixed Green Lettuce, Green Beans, Whole Grain Bread (I use Udis) Grapefruit, Strawberries, Pineapple, Lemon Blueberries, Cheerios, Bacon (Turkey or pork), Greek Yogurt (I use Dannon Greek Light & Fit), Goat Cheese, 98 % Fat Free Ground Turkey, Brown Rice, Carrots, Hummus, Turkey (Applegate), Chicken, Cottage Cheese, Dark Chocolate Chips, Eggs, Light Balsamic Dressing, Walnuts, Vanilla Protein Powder, Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, Coffee, Tea.

**This is what I will be eating. Make sure to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before making any drastic diet changes** This is just a meal plan you can use as a base to build with. Add more or fewer calories, more or fewer carbs, or anything you wish.
8 AM Breakfast:
2 Slices Bacon, 1 Slice Toast + 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Eggs (add any veggies you want), 1 Serving Fruit (Coffee or Tea)
11 AM Snack: 1/2 Cup Cheerios + 1 Serving Greek Yogurt
1 PM Lunch: 1 Cup Baby Carrots, 1/2 Cup Cucumbers, 2 Tablespoons Hummus, 1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese + Lettuce Wrap (1 serving Applegate Turkey Slices, 1 Slice Bacon, Yellow Mustard, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers)
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: Grilled Chicken Salad: 6 Ounces Grilled Chicken, Tomatoes, Goat Cheese, Spinach, 2 Hard Boiled Egg Whites, Avocado With Light Balsamic Dressing.
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips + 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1500 Calories, 130g Carbs, 50g Fat, 127g Protein, 20g Fiber, 47g Sugar
8 AM Breakfast: 
Blueberry Banana Egg Pancakes (recipe here) + 1 Serving Greek Yogurt (Coffee or Tea)
11 AM Snack: 1 Serving Almonds + 1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese
1 PM Lunch: 6 Ounces Grilled Chicken, 1 Slice Bacon, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Goat Cheese Wrapped in Lettuce + 1/2 Grapefruit
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: 4 Ounces Ground Turkey, 1 Cup Green Beans (or other cooked green veggies), + 1/2 Cup Brown Rice or Quinoa
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips + 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1400 Calories, 160g Carbs, 35g Fat, 128g Protein, 18g Fiber, 43g Sugar
8AM Breakfast: 
Vegetable 2-egg omelet, 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice Toast + 1 TBSP Peanut Butter
11 AM Snack: 1 Cup Blueberries + 1 Serving Greek Yogurt
1 PM Lunch: Ground Turkey over a Vegetable + Goat Cheese Salad
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: Grilled Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice or Quinoa, & 2 Cups Cooked Green Vegetables.
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips + 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1500 Calories, 140g Carbs, 38g Fat, 131g Protein, 16g Fiber, 48g Sugar

**When I’m trying to eat clean, I like to keep my meals easy and realistic. I also like them to be repetitive because it saves money. I buy what I need, what I plan on eating, and quick fixes. I will most likely eat the same meals six days in a row. I like to give myself one free day. My free days will consist of healthy eats, just not planned ones. I also like to drink lemon tea throughout the day. These are meals you can food prep on Sunday, pack for work, or wherever you plan on going**Don’t forget to change up the workouts to FIT your fitness level. You don’t want to overdo it! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments! If you are unsure about some of the workouts, googling movements helps a lot. There are a lot of tutorials on youtube.

You will notice a lot of miles in the workouts. There is nothing better than going out for long walks or runs, especially this time of year. This month’s goal is high mileage. If you have a tracker, try to walk throughout the day. Get up as much as possible. Walk early in the morning, late in the evenings, or whenever you can find the time.

I also wanted to make a workout plan that you could do anywhere! All you need is a jump rope, dumbbells (everyone should own a pair) yoga mat, and shoes! If you want some cheap workout equipment, check out TJMAXX!






Please follow along on the fitness page for motivation! Tag me in your workouts and eats! If you need to, print this workout and post it on your fridge!

I hope this plan can help dig you out of your rut, inspire you to challenge yourself, but if not, I hope you enjoyed the read 😉

Questions for you!

  1. Are you IN or Out?
  2. What are your Spring Fitness goals?
  3. What is the hardest part about sticking to a plan, and how can you change that?


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Sunday Funday With My New LG Watch Sport Tue, 14 Feb 2017 20:30:48 +0000

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Hi Everyone & Happy Valentine’s Day!

Can you believe it’s February and it reached 78 degrees over the weekend? Hallelujah! Sunday was the perfect day to try out my new LG Watch Sport. I’m still a newbie, but I learned so much and can’t wait to share it’s features with you! It does so many cool things, and it’ll take me a while to take it all in.  
What I love about the LG Watch Sport is that it’s fancy, yet so easy to use. AT&T customers can leave your compatible phone at home, but still stay in touch with family and friends from the watch by using the NumberSync feature. You can send and receive phone calls and text messages while using the same mobile number as your smartphone (1). Oh, and it’s all touchscreen!

Setting the watch up and syncing it to my device was pretty simple. I couldn’t wait to try the LG Watch Sport out Sunday morning, so my boyfriend set it up for me while I cooked dinner Saturday night. It literally took him five minutes because there were only three steps.

The watch charges wireless on a little cradle. I put it next to the bed to use as an alarm clock.

I woke up at 7:00am to make coffee, walk the dogs, and relax an hour before meeting up with Becca for our Sunday activities! As you can see, I was excited to jump into the LG Watch Sport. I played around with it while drinking coffee.
When we were done with our circuit, we played around with some of the watch’s workouts. I couldn’t believe the picture and video quality on the LG Watch Sport. It felt like we had a real-life personal trainer pushing us through some of the challenges.

Don’t ask me how the squat challenge was. I haven’t been able to move my legs since leg-day Thursday! I plan on trying it out tomorrow after my run.

The real-time tracking monitored my movements and knew how many sit-ups I completed. I guess there is no cheating on this challenge…

The LG Watch Sport will be perfect for my race-day. I always carry my phone and it’s a heavy pain in the butt. The LG Watch Sport  lets you make calls and stream music on bluetooth headphones and track mileage. The reason I stopped using my other watch to track miles is because I couldn’t contact anyone if I had an emergency, and I’m all about safety. I also love that the watch detects your heart rate(2). I really like monitoring mine to make sure I’m at a healthy range.

After the gym, we decided to grab coffee and walk to lunch because it was gorgeous out…and I was still geeking over the LG Watch Sport. You can select different activities for your watch to track. The watch also has Google Assistant, which allows users to reply to messages, set reminders or ask for directions!
If you enter events into your calendar, they’ll show up on your watch’s home screen! I typed in “gym date with becca” just to see how it looked on the screen. I love little reminders.

And if you’re worrying about sweating or forgetting to take it off in the shower, no worries! It’s water resistant for up to 1.5 meters for thirty minutes.
I’m a huge fan of how the LG Watch Sport looks. It’s so comfortable, has stainless steel details and a brushed metal finish.

My goal was to complete over four hours of activity + 10,000 steps. You can manage and set goals for the day!
I needed a couple more miles to complete my goal, so I went out on a walk with Little Leo! Wearing my goals right on my wrist is a great reminder and motivation to complete them! The LG Watch Sport is more than just a fitness watch, but as you can see, I’ll be abusing it in the fitness department!

LG Watch Sport is the first smart watch available to customers with Android Wear 2.0, which includes Google Assistant & Google Fit!
You can get the LG Watch Sport  smartwatch with 4G LTE connectivity at AT&T stores and HERE for $49.99 with a two-year agreement(3) when you purchase a LG G5 or V20 smartphone on AT&T Next. 🙂

This post was sponsored by AT&T and all opinions are my own!

Question for you!

  1. How would you use your LG WATCH SPORT?
Requires smartphone on AT&T postpaid account & set up for HD voice & compatible wearable on eligible wireless plan.  Data charges apply to text messages sent/received through smartwatch via NumberSync.  Watch must be in AT&T-owned/operated coverage area to share phone’s number. Click HERE for details.
2 Disclaimer: This device and related software is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. Consult a doctor before starting an exercise program
3 Req’s qual. svc. Activ., early termination & other fees, charges & restr’s apply. See store for details.

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